Thoughts behind the Words of the Playwright
The playwright is an abstract and analytical freethinker known for his open mindedness, and resistance to being held hostage to the biases and restraints of labels and agenda’s. His views are existential, pragmatic, and balanced with a spiritual social conscious. As an artist and philosopher the playwright uses his writings, plays, and music as a tool in an attempt to straighten the crooked timber of humanity. The following are a sampling of his stories and poems.Poems & Readings
Poems and Short stories by Richard Cirulli
All rights reserved
Performed by
Susan Bond, Thomas Lloyd and Roberto Ragone
Faire l'Amour Candice
A Thought for Today
Sweet Night Shade
Snow Angels in the Dust
(Written by Richard Cirulli performed by Susan Bond)
Bonfante the Runt
The Mystic and the Atheist Alfresco
A Turn of the Page
Sun Stones
An Existential Exit
My Riverwalk
The Last Bonhomne
Sacred Woods
A Matter of Time
Love is Found
An Existential Virus
The Path
Astarte’s Fall
My Lost Messogiorno
Cassandra's Pool
The Color of Tongues
O Lord
My Rite of Passage
Mr Tambourine Man
My First Home Run
The Just Man
The Cocktail Party
Distant Love
The Songs of Roland
The Return of the Cathar Magi
by Richard Cirulli
Book Description
Roland is a recently divorced aging baby boomer now living the life of a
spiritual seeker, intellectual, existentialist,
battling an incurable disease, as he faces his enigma of navigating the desires of
the flesh without corrupting his soul. A man of harsh self-criticism, discipline,
and honesty, he is earnestly fearful of being labeled a hypocrite. He is driven
with the idealism to assist humanity in distress. Roland is no
Quixote, rather a moralist who stands up against the injustices of life at all
hazards. He is viewed as an avant-garde intellectual philosopher and artist
within the arts and academic community, though among his intimate women
friends he is known for his spiritualism, sensitivity, honesty, respect for women,
and his quest for a higher self – at times viewed as a paradox, an anachronism,
and contradiction. Though his profane detractors regard him as a threat and as
much an idealistic fool.
Roland, raised in a devout Catholic home, begins his spiritual quest in his
youth after receiving a series of visions that take him on his arduous path to the
western hermetic tradition of Gnosticism, the Kabbalah, and esoteric
Freemasonry. Eventually achieving the grade of magi and adept of the
illuminati order – a secret he guards jealously, known to just a few confidants.
Through a number of synchronistic events, Roland finds himself intimately
involved with Candice, one of his former college students. As the relationship
grows and Candice moves into his loft, Roland is plagued with a consistent and
Heretic in Southern France during the Albigensian Crusade of the 13th century.
Roland believes this is an omen for his immoral transgressions, and he will be
cursed to burn in the eternal damnation of hell. Before dying Roland is given a
heavenly vision that reveals both Candice’s and his true identities and missions.
About the Author
Richard Cirulli is a retired professor, now living a spiritual artist’s life. He holds two PhDs, a number of masters degrees,
and undergraduate degrees in various fields. A former professional student, he is now enjoying life as a bit of a Renaissance man: a playwright, writer, columnist, photographer, poet, artist, guitarist, songwriter, actor and producer. Two of his
original plays, “Via Delarosa” and “Roundelay,” were recently performed at White Plains Performing Arts and received rave reviews. Richard has been on a spiritual journey since his early childhood when he had his first mystical vision, which opened the portal to his mystical quest. His
quest led him to his study and membership into the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, The Martinist Order, the Qabalah, Theosophy
The Songs of Roland: The Return of the Cathar Magi
is available from:, Barnes & Noble and many other fine retailers worldwide
Follow the Playwright
You can also follow the Playwright’s work by reading his monthly column, The Boomerang, in “The Examiner News” ( White Plains edition) and at www.Yonkers Tribune, his bi-weekly talk show is also on the Yonker’s Tribune website.
Upcoming Events
Call for Actors and Musicians
Send bio and head-shot to
To be annouced
(845) 320 7316
Kymars Demitasse Players
P.O. Box 261
White Plains, NY 10605